The Games Machine 155
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INI File
158 lines
;Source Files
LODFile tProximitySensor.lod
pMexData tProximitySensor\Rl0\LOD0\tProximitySensor.mex
;Ship Physics
mass 25 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 25 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 25 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 25
maxvelocity 1000 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 250 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 250
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 250
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 250
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 250
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 250
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 300 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 300
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 300
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 300
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 300
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 300
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.5
;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
isCapitalShip FALSE
buildCost 50 ; resource units to build
buildTime 6 ; time in seconds to build
supportUnits 2 ; Support Units required
providesSU 0
TimeShockedByEMP 2.5 ; time in seconds the ship will be paralized when hit by one EMP charge
maxhealth 800 ; hit points
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 0 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 0 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 0 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 0 ; this much damage is repaired
repairDroids 0
externalBuild FALSE ; if TRUE, ship is built externally
fowRadius 22000
forceFieldProtectionDistanceScale 1.1
approxcollmodifier 1.0 ; use only % of collspheresize for rough approximations
avoidcollmodifier 1.0 ; use only % of collspheresize for collision avoidance
blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75
minimumZoomDistance 60
bUseRayTriangleIntersectionForHitLocation FALSE
Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.3 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount
SearchRate 31 ; Every Xth frame the proximity sensor
; walks the ship list and attempts to
; detect enemy ships within proximity
; Slow: Value must be (0,1,3,7,15,31...etc..)
;31 ~= every 2 seconds
SearchRadius 9500.0 ; Radius in which ships will set off
SensorCircleRadius 10 ; Radius of 'bliping' circle in sensor
; manager around prox sensor
SensorBlinkRate 1.4 ; Bigger the faster
SearchRateAfterFound 63 ; Search rate for enemies after
; enemies have been found (not so
; crucial to warn user..could be less?)
; 0, 1,3,7,15,31,63...etc...
TriggerSpeed 200.0 ; Anything travelling slower than
; this will not set off the sensor!
blipColor 255,0,0,0 ; RGBA blip color
blipThickness 1 ; Blip line thickness
; Pilot View
pilotViewOffsetX 0.0
pilotViewOffsetY 0.0
pilotViewOffsetZ 25.0
;Gun Bindings
;Dock Points
explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion
trailSegments 10
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 4, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 4, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 4, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 4, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 4, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 4, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.5 ; also the default
trailWidth 15.0
trailHeight 8.0
trailSpriteRadius 25
trailSpriteOffset -1.5
;Scaling effects
N-LIPS 0.00025 ; Max value for Interceptors 0.0005